Three questions for a Thursday in April:
1. Have they lost their minds or finally found them?
Ford intends to hand over the marketing and promotion of it's 2011 Fiesta model to...100 twenty-somethings with no advertising experience. This group will spend six months with the vehicles (provided free of charge by Ford) and will be encouraged to post their experiences on YouTube, Flickr and other social networking tools without constraint...Kind of like what vehicle owners already do after their purchase on sites around the web. I guess we'll see, among other things, how advertising experience and actual product experience stack up against one another in the marketing mix for Ford's Fiesta Movement. (Full story here).2. Do we define ourselves by the company we keep?
Citysense provides mobile, GPS-enabled hipsters with heatmaps that show where the cool kids are hanging out in SanFrancisco. By signing up, users allow their GPS-enabled phones to send realtime location data (anonymously...they 'promise') to Citysense. Citysense then uses where users go (and the preferences you've established at signup) to display a color-coded heat map ofwhere 'people just like you' are hanging out...complete with directions. Something tells me that the real fun might be in seeing where the 'people not like me' are hanging out.
3. What if one's problem is...oneself?
The Associated Press, struggling to decide if the news should be kept behind copyright lock and key, has apparently decided to send a legal cease and desist notice to...itself. Or rather, to one of its afilliates. Seems the affiliate posted a video from the YouTube channel the AP created, using
the embed code available from the AP's YouTube channel (which is designed to support such things). (Full non AP story here). Alas, the enemy within wins every time I'm afraid.
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